Help from the Other Side

Everywhere you turn, there's another news story that suggests God is taking a pounding:

-A porn movie broadcast at the University of Maryland
-The 10 Commandments removed from government property
-Courts redefining what marriage is
-Criticism of Rick Warren's prayer at Obama's inauguration (how dare he mention Jesus!!)

You'd think that all of America had come to the same conclusion--God isn't.

Despite this, Americans have this fascination with the spiritual. It's everywhere, not just on Oprah.

-Ghost Town - a jerk dentist survives a near-death experience and sees ghosts.
-Ghost Whisperer - Jennifer Love Hewitt's character aids troubled spirits.
-Supernatural - two brothers hunting demons.
-Medium - Allison Dubois helps the police solve murders through visions and contact with the dead. Interestingly, this week, she concludes that God gave her this gift.

We could go on--Touched by an Angel, Joan of Arcadia, Ghost, The Others, Sixth Sense, A Haunting in Connecticut, The Gift. . .

Oh, don't forget that great book on the supernatural. It's called the Bible. It's author might know something about this subject.

Now, the story it tells doesn't read anything like what we're getting from Hollywood.

But, hey, if you think Hollywood has a bead on things spiritual, I've got a bridge in New York I want to sell ya.

Want to compare Hollywood's take with God's? Visit us at 11:00 Sunday at 1988 Kirby Road, McLean, VA.

It might make your head spin--but probably not a full 360 degrees.

Wanna ponder in advance? Try Galatians 5.

Dwaine Darrah, McLean Campus Pastor

One of Those Days

Ever feel this way?

Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun— all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.

I wasn't focusing on the 'life with your wife' part, but the 'all the days of this meaningless life' part. The writer here is Solomon - supposedly the wisest man ever. Not sure if he was wise because God gave him wisdom or he was wise because he experienced life and learned the hard way.

Anyway, the dude was hurting when he wrote this! Bad day, bad week, bad month, bad year maybe. Yet, in his negativity, I think he speaks for where many of us find ourselves often. We look at our life and think, 'Is it worth it?'

Got to admit having one of those moments this past weekend. Why God? What is the purpose of all of this? What is life all about?

These are the days we have to look for inspiration from somewhere - your friends, your spouse, your kids, etc. I know when I get to those points in my life, I have to look towards God. No one else can make me 'feel better'. I have to reach out to God and say, 'This is where I am, now lead me.' And in those times, I find God leads me in ways I never expected...

Chad Simpkins, Haymarket Campus Pastor

Finding Myself in the Journey, Part 3

Chip Dodd in his book The Voice of the Heart identifies eight emotions common to man; hurt, sadness, loneliness, fear, anger, shame, guilt and gladness. Each feeling has a corresponding benefit and impairment. The impairment for gladness is happiness and entertainment. (Dodd, 2001, page 137) Happiness then is not gladness, nor is it joy. "To hope is to live from our hearts, and living out of our hearts we find fulfillment. As frightening as it may seem, gladness is not about outcomes. It’s about living fully.” (Dodd, 2001, page 119) Full living includes all the eight feelings that Dodd includes in his writing. Full living also includes having God in one’s life. Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8, TNIV) But before he said this he talked about being broken in spirit, mourning over sin, seeking righteousness, showing mercy; and all of this leads us to be meek (or under God’s control).

Being under God’s control and following Christ is the essence of joy in my opinion. Paul wrote to the Romans that, “suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” (Romans 5:4, TNIV) Later in this book Paul urges believers to “be joyful in hope.” (Romans 12:12, TNIV) Paul describes himself as “sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.” (2 Corinthians 6:10, TNIV) James wrote that for pure joy to be complete one’s faith must be tested. (James 1:2-5, TNIV) But most importantly, this joy that I am referring is not found in the spirit of man but the Spirit of God. (Galatians 5:22, TNIV) God has control over this joy, yet it is the individual who walks closely with God who reaps this fruit. The individual walking closely with God also knows that God commands His followers to be joyful on at least four occasions; Matthew 5:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Philippians 4:4 and 1 Peter 4:13. Matthew Henry comments on the subject far better than I ever could. “The joy and peace of believers arise chiefly from their hopes. What is laid out upon them is but little, compared with what is laid up for them; therefore the more hope they have the more joy and peace they have…Christians should desire after an abundance of hope.” (Henry on Romans 15:13) Christians then are to fight for joy, and the primary method according to the Biblical writers and at least one commentator is to believe in the hope of God. Final part next week.

Creed Branson, Executive Pastor

Finding Myself in the Journey, Part 2

"The essence of the Christian life is learning to fight for joy in a way that does not replace grace." (John Piper,When I Don't Desire God)

The essence of anything is its most important element, or the thing that identifies its nature or quality. When embodied in its perfect form Christianity is a walk where one’s relationship with God is fully realized and the joy of God is present in daily living. The paradox in this statement is all Christ followers have this available but few are ever able to fully realize their potential. Christians do have a role model and that is Christ himself. It is he who we are to learn from as well as Bible authors and those around us who are finishing well. All such people that I personally know consider the walk a journey; and are active learners. Piper clearly says that the essence of faith is in learning and specifically “to fight for joy.” Learning is an attribute that the wise person is always pursuing and the Christ follower should be no different. The difference is what the Christian should be learning; and, further what this individual is doing with the knowledge. The Christian who learns and does not apply knowledge tends to become legalistic. I have seen many people who can recite scripture or can tell in detail what a Bible writer may have been attempting to impart; yet find little evidence of real change in behavior or their treatment of others. Piper states we are to “learn to fight for joy” and this pursuit is part of the essence of a believer’s faith. The question then becomes where does the believer find their joy? It is my opinion that it is only when we truly accept what Christ did on the cross that we are able to see the fullness, and feel the joy of Christ. It is here where we are to place our hope. So, it is my contention that joy is derived from hope – more hope equals more joy." The apostle Paul said, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13, TNIV) He also said to be “joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.” (Romans 12:12, TNIV) So then, joy comes from the overflow of hope; hope for eternal salvation, regeneration and eternal encouragement through the promises of God. (1 Peter 1:3 & Romans 15:4) Followers hope for Christ’s appearing, for redemption of their bodies, the consummation of righteousness and the inheriting of eternal life. This hope should produce the fruit of boldness, courage, and endurance. This hope should be present even in the face of many trials and difficulties. More next week.

Creed Branson, Executive Minister

Hurts So Good?

Anyone still recovering from this last weekend? To me, it feels like the day after a basketball over-time win: I’m exhausted, and it feels great!

We had a great day! Lots of energy. Great worship. Great food in abundance (If you made food for Sunday, THANKS! That was HUGE!) Great attendance (1683 people).

Yet, the best part of the weekend for me was our team players. Our parking team set the pace. Chip Retson rallied a team that gave everyone a fun greeting, and an unexpected bottle of water on their way in and on their way out. Westfield H.S. was so impressed that they are changing their parking lot procedures to follow ours! We are not surprised that this team produced such quality results. Research shows that they are also the best-educated church parking lot greeters in the world.

Josh tells me that over 60 new players joined the team who worked with set up, front-line, food, prayer, tear down, and holding Savannah duties. Michelle & Cindy report that over 50 new people served in KidZone. That’s huge!

The best part for me was the fun everyone had. A huge group set up the school Saturday morning, and it felt like we were setting up for Christmas: laughter, smiles, fun working together for a significant purpose. It felt like family working together—we had work to be done, but everyone enjoyed simply being together.

After one service, a lady told me it was the first time she’d served in KidZone, and it was great. “I think I’ve found my place,” she said. Another person told me they loved seeing all the “Ask Me” shirts, because she wouldn’t have known that many of those people were New Lifers.

The best part of the day, of course, is that we are remembering that Jesus conquered death, so we can be right with God. That truth is the core that drives all we do. I wish I’d found this cartoon before Easter:

Brett Andrews, Lead Pastor

Getting What's Coming to Ya

The classic black-and-white ganster movie.

Particularly starring Edward G. Robinson. Man, the best ever.

There was this recurring line: "I want what's coming to me."

The other person ominously promises: "Yeah, you'll get what's coming to ya."

The first guy is expecting a payoff or something.

But he always gets whacked.

So, sometimes getting what's coming to ya isn't that grand.

Here's an example. It's 15 April, TAX DAY. I just hit the send button.

I didn't really want what I had coming to me.

But I got what was coming to me. POW!!! BLAM!!! SHOT DEAD!!!

So, when I think about taxes or anything else, really, I think I've landed on something.

I'd like not to get what's coming to me.

I'd like to get something better. Something I didn't deserve.

Where do I get some of that?

Good news is that there is some of this out there--It's called grace.

And God's sending some of it your way.

Hear all about it Sunday at 11:00 at Moland. 1988 Kirby Road, McLean, VA.

Want to ponder the thought in advance? Check out John 6:29.

Dwaine Darrah, McLean Campus Pastor

Finding Myself in the Journey

I'm sitting here thinking how over-used this cliché has been since the 1960's; that is "finding myself." In modern culture we use this "finding myself" or "getting in touch with myself" language because the current generation uses experience and feelings instead of logic and reason as the criteria for decision making, making friends, etc. Sociologists today might say we are living in a post-modern society. At least this is my opinion albeit a broad generalization. However, man has been struggling with trying to discover who they are and why they exist forever.

I believe that man exists because God made him in His own image. The problem is man has been trying to figure out who God is and how they fit in the relationship ever since. As a result we have made God into who or what we want Him to be. But God is God and we aren't. So many people are so close to figuring it out. Instead of trying to be God we should try to be the person God created us to be. Years ago I built a new house and as the maker of this house I expected it to protect me from the elements. That's what a house does. A house becomes a home where there is love, friendliness and kindness. The same is true with man - man is just a mere shell until he allows God into their life. The battle should be to understand who God is and why He made us. This process is called spiritual formation. "Once we understand spiritual formation is a process, all of life becomes spiritual formation." (Mulholland, Invitation to a Journey) This means there is no distinction between my spirituality and my secular life; in fact, once I become a Christ follower there is no such thing as a secular life. Mulholland writes much about this and he continues to say that we are in the process of being conformed, not conforming. Perhaps a subtle difference, but a difference none the less. Man (me included) does not want to change - it is only God working in me to change. As for me I struggled for years until there was this sudden epiphany that I was different. Now I am by no means the pillar of what the perfect Christian should look like. But what I am saying is that God was at work in me for years and it took years for me to see it. It’s like pushing a giant wheel and then one day you get to the top of a hill and suddenly the wheel takes off. If you don't like something in your life ask God to give you the desire to change - NOT - change you. If you're struggling with your relationship with God or who you are in God take heart. He is probably doing something with your character. God is a lot more concerned about who you are than what you are. More on this in my next post.

Creed Branson, Executive Pastor


I was out of town last week, so I have to revel in the our 2nd Easter Egg Drop today! Here are our numbers from the day...

30,000 Candy/Toy-filled Easter Eggs
180+ Volunteers
6 Policemen
2 1/2 Truckloads of food for the pantry
2 Shuttle Buses
1 Helicopter

And 3,600 KIDS! Yes, KIDS!

It was a blast! A HUGE thank you to all who came out to make our event incredible and to impact our community!

Chad Simpkins, Haymarket Campus Pastor

April 10 Blog

The evidence continues to pile up: our communities need New Life. People desperately need God. People increasingly feel the need for something more than independence. Charles Colson recently shared another reason we ought to be passionate about our purpose to reach out to our neighbors--

Brett Andrews, Lead Pastor of New Life

Lord, Help Me to be My True Self!

In my last post I discussed how we are called to be authentic; and specifically, how our personalities sometimes get in the way. I have to admit that I too have a side that I don’t want others to see. This has become more important to me because last summer I had the opportunity to work heavily with high school students. These kids walk around every day desperately wanting to have meaningful relationships. They fear rejection and failure and loss just like the rest of us except you can easily see it. I had a choice to behave like the guy that has it all together or I could allow them the opportunity to see someone who understands the nature of sin, struggles with it and genuinely wants to live in the power and presence of God. I tried to teach them that being a Christian is a process. We don't put the baby to bed one night and go to the crib the next morning to find a fully independent functioning adult. It’s the same with being a disciple (convinced adherent) of Jesus Christ. We are in the process of being conformed - not conforming - to the very nature of God. However subtle the difference, there is a difference. I cannot do the work of God. My very nature loves my sin even though it is destructive to my soul. I can't turn a light switch on my human nature. I cannot do any work to be conformed to Christ. What I can do is ask God to give me the desire to become more like Jesus. "The difference between conforming ourselves and being conformed is the vital issue of control." (M. Robert Mulholland, Invitation to a Journey, page 25) We must submit our very will to the control of God. We must ask God to live in us and for us to live in Him. Jesus talked about this the night before his crucifixion - check out John 17. The result is people will change around you. They will see that they don't have to be perfect.

We are being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others: more on this in my next post.

Creed Branson, Executive Minister

Psalm 127

"Unless the Lord builds the house, it’s builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over a city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat - for He grants sleep to those He loves."

The next few weeks provide critical opportunities for us. So, I am asking everyone to increase their prayers and consider fasting for a meal, a day, or two.

1) Easter: Many people who aren’t open to church will give Jesus a hearing around Easter. Pray that God will work powerfully in the hearts of everyone.

2) TV Commercials. There is no transforming power in tv commercials. But God uses weak stuff like commercials to make powerful connections. Please pray that God use our commercials to connect with people at just the right time. (see--

3) Bud Building: Before the end of April, we will sit down with the owner of the Bud Building to see if we can negotiate a final deal. I can see God using this building in HUGE ways to expand our impact on the community. I see the need for us to pursue this vision all the time (just today I read--

Please intensify your prayers. Unless the Lord builds the house, we’re wasting our time. When He builds the house, it’s the ride you’ve always dreamed to be part of!

Brett Andrews, Lead Pastor

Who Made Up All the Rules. . .We Follow Them Like Fools (First line of "They" by JEM)

Jenny was late. . .She was late. . .For a very important date.

This would be the perfect job, she thought. Only 15 minutes from home. Gotta make up the minutes lost searching for the keys. But how?

The complete answer never came, because the rolling stop through the intersection got her introduced immediately to a member of the motorcycle police force.

Fuming while waiting and and waiting and waiting and waiting to get the bloody ticket, she reflected that this didn't seem fair. She had, after all, stopped at that same sign hundreds of times in the past. Why doesn't she get some credit or something for all the times she obeyed the law? But "NOOOOOO!!!" One violation, and BOOM, she's nabbed.

And then it hit her. The law is not her friend. It's never sitting there on the books to tell her how wonderful she is. Nope.

It's just sitting there waiting patiently for her to mess up. Just biding its time until she screws up just that one tiny bit.
And then Jenny reflected on the stuff she'd been hearing at church lately. Hmmm. . . wonder if that's what the pastor meant when he said we can never be good enough to make God happy by just following all the rules. Maybe God's rules are like this stupid stop sign. Only good for one thing--to accuse us when we violate them. And, oh yeah, she's violated a few of those God rules, too.

Well, if following the rules isn't the way to make God happy with me, she thought, then how do I do that?

We hope Jenny is with us Sunday--when we explore that question. You might want to give a listen, too.
If you're inclined, read through Exodus 20.

11:00 a.m. 1988 Kirby Road, McLean, VA.

Dwaine Darrah, McLean Campus Pastor

Also, check out the poster below for a great event coming up at our McLean Campus!

Psalm 127

"Unless the Lord builds the house, it’s builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over a city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat - for He grants sleep to those He loves."

The next few weeks provide critical opportunities for us. So, I am asking everyone to increase their prayers and consider fasting for a meal, a day, or two.

1) Easter: Many people who aren’t open to church will give Jesus a hearing around Easter. Pray that God will work powerfully in the hearts of everyone.

2) TV Commercials. There is no transforming power in tv commercials. But God uses weak stuff like commercials to make powerful connections. Please pray that God use our commercials to connect with people at just the right time. (see--

3) Bud Building: Before the end of April, we will sit down with the owner of the Bud Building to see if we can negotiate a final deal. I can see God using this building in HUGE ways to expand our impact on the community. I see the need for us to pursue this vision all the time (just today I read--

Please intensify your prayers. Unless the Lord builds the house, we’re wasting our time. When He builds the house, it’s the ride you’ve always dreamed to be part of!

Brett Andrews, Lead Pastor

That's Just My Personality

Persona is another word for mask or disguise. Persona is the root word for personality. So the personality that is visible on the outside is the thing that we allow people to see. But is that really who I am? Jung defined traits that are prevalent through all nationalities and people groups. Now all of this is nothing new except to say the traits that we allow people to see is how we define ourselves. This is a very narrow view from the eyes of God. According to Jung we all have a propensity to either be introverted or extroverted; intuitive or sensing; thinking or feeling; and judging or perceiving.

In the beginning God made man in His image and man was the perfect man. Man can never be God or a god as some believe yet the lack of real understanding of our opposite self may be the foundation of our sin. For example, an introvert would prefer to gain their energy with down time or alone time or at most a few close friends. If these people also find their spiritual renewal the same way (and I would argue they do) they miss out on the blessing of the large gathering and the learning through a group of like believers. If we tend to be introverted we should practice by exercising the muscle of meeting together in a larger group. This isn't easy by any means but the introvert misses out on this blessing and is constantly searching to fill the void. The same can be said of the intuitive when acting on impulse because this has always worked for them or at least most times. What is lacking is the opposite characteristic - sensing. Instead of filling this void with the positive aspect of sensing; human nature may take precedent and turn to self-indulgence. If we don't search out our opposite identity our nature puts us in a greater place to do the thing that God would not have us do - sin. So if you feel God working on your character you may want to analyze the thing, apply it to your personality type and do the opposite of your nature.

Lots of stuff has been written on the subject. I would recommend Invitation to a Journey by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.

Creed Branson, Executive Pastor