Big Week - Pray Big Prayers!

Since the Bud Building has come back on the market, we've been scurrying like... really intense scrurriers. Every week is huge. Every meeting is weighty. So, everyone praying every day matters!

This week we will be meeting with bankers about a loan. The banker we are working with is a Christian man with long time connections to New Life. He knows our church. He knows the Bud Building (he made the first loan on the building when it was initially built). And, he is more excited about our potential with Bud than I am! His words last week, "If you can get this building at that price, it will be something that only God could have done." That's been our prayer!

Pray for God's blessing on our meeting with the bankers.

Thursday, we have a meeting scheduled with the Bud building owners. We are confident that with God's blessing, we can get this deal done. In that meeting, we will present to them our situation: opportunities, obstacles, and options. Our prayer is that the building owners will resonate with one of the options, so we can move forward as quickly as possible.

Pray for God to bless our negotiations.

Hold on to God's promise to do more than we could ever ask or imagine through His power that is at work within us!

Brett Andrews, Lead Guy


Dwaine, Well said from both perspectives:
- the need for boldness, and how it's different for each of us
- the value of 'doing life together' in some form of life/home/small group. Christianity is not a journey meant to be taken alone.

Blessings from Ottawa!

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