I Want To Be Perfect

Ever wonder why some people are just not happy with the faith that God gave them? Or, have you ever met someone who is a Christ-follower yet is always impatient? All Christians are in the process of becoming the person God wants them to become. The interesting thing is we must also want to change; yet no matter how much we try, it is God who does the changing. John Wesley wrote extensively about how we must be perfect if we are to have communion with God. Perfection in the Greek refers to the process of becoming better today than I was yesterday, not being without flaw. So, if it is God who does the conforming and we are unhappy with our current state how then are we to be conformed? The answer is we must ask God to give us a desire for change and then place ourselves in a place where God can do the work. This is where spiritual disciplines are applied. The paradox is God does the changing but we can't change until we ask God to give us the desire to change. We are to spend time with God through solitude, prayer, fasting and anything else that will cause you to sense the presence of God.

God longs that we might know true peace and rest but unhealthy habits limit what God can do in our lives. Or, God is calling us to take a step into something greater and we are wrestling with Him over our own selfish needs or desires.

A good friend of mine tells people regularly that a wise person learns from other people's mistakes so s/he doesn't have to make those mistakes. Where is God calling you to change your behavior? Let God work on your mind. Think differently. Then let Him give you peace and rest. After looking at Isaiah 30.15 ask yourself if this can be applied to your life. Are you having anything to do with it?


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